Current obsession: murderdolls
Special interests: metal music, yugioh, skyrim, windows OS, old web, old tech
General: creepy stuff, horror, ghost hunting, playing video games, coding, drag, drawing, watching youtube/movies, making plushes, making art, early internet
Movies: the matrix, house of 1000 corpses, the jigsaw series, grave encounters, phantom of the opera, metalocalypse, halloween (2007)
Video Games: duel links, postal series, the sims 4, project zombiod, webfishing, left4dead, skyrim, quake, half life
Music: MSI, Megadeth, NIN, slipknot, ICP, bloodbath, slayer, murderdolls, cannibal corpse, mom jeans, marilyn manson, DRI, KMFDM, wednesday 13,
exodus, municipal waste, dying fetus, pantera, deicide, rob zombie, scumfuck, skinless, carcass, impetigo, fulci, carnifex, death, AFI, testament, sodom, blood red throne
thanks for reading : )
Addison apartments, ghost hunting, outside in your local graveyard, the back of the classroom, inside your walls,
under your bed, under your stairs, the corner of your eye, behind you, in your backyard, and nowhere.
If you have any concerns or drama you want to contact me about, I will only be replying and reading your
messages sent to me through the radiation waves in 5g cellphone towers or written in my obituary comments.
I am dead and I have been since 2004, please don't disturb the dead.