or Sal
19 yrs old
Autis artist
i love being fucked up and evil! ^_^ my incarnation is temporary. quit wasting my precious time!!! anime is a gateway to cannibalism. prisoner i like weird crazy postal fan zap stamp of bro and cal zombie hands best bros i support spinning around and getting really dizzy! warning my diet consists of barbed wire bakura meat id rather be ghost hunting sal fisher i would go insane without music pic of me toxic waste symbol stamp music is my life i heart creepy stuff me stimming slipknot. people equal shit love pizza music dude biohazard symbol rainbow bg bakura cennipeed meat comic sans is an ok font leet speak neon kandi gizmo and me warning i explode atem windows xp wallpaper classic monster i love banana ^_^ rainbow needles gloomy bear heart unreal engine flaming stamp me and my brother sour worms smile dog alois bio hazard toxic symbol me black n white

star-girl.org I am cheddar cheese!
NerdTests.com What Yu-Gi-Oh! Character Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?

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